Thursday, February 3, 2011

Viruses of bacteria. (Bacteriophage)

   1) Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites whose genomes are a nucleic acid.
   2) Viruses are 10-100 times smaller than most bacteria. with approximate size range of  20 to 300nm.
   3) Viruses are incapable of independent growth in an artificial media, they can grow only in animal or plant  cell's or in micro-organisms
   4) Viruses lack metabolic machinery of there own to generate energy or to synthesize proteins they depend on the host cell's to carry out these vital functions.
   5) the viral genetic material is either DNA or RNA hence viruses doesn't have both.
   6) the nucleic acid is enclosed in highly specialized protein coat. the coat protects the genetic material when the virus is outside of any host cells and serves as a vehicle in order to enter another specific host cells.
  7) infectious virus is called as VIRION .

  1) Bacteriophage's are the viruses that infect bacteria.
  2) Bacteriophage's like all viruses are composed of a nucleic acid core surrounded by a protein coat, bacterial virus appears in different shapes, although many have a tail through which they inoculate the host and cells with viral nucleic acid
  3) there are two main types of bacterial virus LYTIC and VIRULENT and TEMPERATE or A VIRULENT
  4) When lytic phage's infect cells, the cells respond by producing large number of new viruses . That is at the end of the incubation period the host cell burst or lysis , releasing new phage's to infect other host cells. This is called LYTIC cycle.
  5) In the temperature type of infection the results are not so readily apparent. The viral nucleic acid is carried and replicated in host bacterial cell from one generation to the another generation   without any cell lycis . However temperature phage's may spontaneously become virus lent at some subsequence generation and lyses the host.

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